FIRST EVER Multi-Access Acoustic Technology Test
Ropeless Systems Inc. reached a major milestone in April 2024. A first-of-its-kind demonstration of multi-access underwater acoustic positioning was conducted with two independent fishing vessels operating in close proximity. The successful test proved that multi-access acoustic technology provides an efficient and effective solution for trap fishing operations to meet evolving industry standards and environmental protection regulations.
Mobilization of the F/V RYAN JOSEPH and F/V PHYLLIS P for the Multi-access Acoustic Technology Test on April 19th, 2024 in Cohasset, MA. Each vessel was outfitted with a Ropeless Systems’ transceiver and pinger pole as well as four RISER™ MTA submerged systems to simulate two trawls per vessel.
Details of the Test
The test was performed in cooperation with NOAA NMFS Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC) in Cohasset, Massachusetts. NEFSC personnel were on board the vessels along with Ropeless Systems CTO, Dr. Harold “Bud” Vincent and his team; Andrew Dunne (Senior Electrical Engineer), Gabe Ausfresser (Electrical Engineer), Connor Vincent (Electrical Engineer Intern), and Ed Baker (Science Advisor).
The fishing vessels, F/V RYAN JOSEPH and F/V PHYLLIS P, both deployed gear on the seafloor. The Ropeless RISER™ Transceiver with its proprietary Single Ping Positioning™ technology positioned the gear automatically and relayed those positions and ownership information to the chart plotter, hands-free.
The display pinpointed trawl orientations and lengths on the seafloor, effectively replacing surface buoys. Both vessels saw all the gear; their own was colored green and the other vessels’ colored red. Each vessel successfully recovered all their respective gear without interference.
These results are particularly impressive considering the acoustic transducers on the surface vessels were installed with temporary pinger poles instead of an optimal installation on the hull.
A view of the F/V RYAN JOSEPH from the F/V PHYLLIS P during April’s multi-access acoustic positioning test. Four RISER™ MTA Ropeless Fishing submerged systems are on deck, ready to deploy.
The Ropeless RISER™ Transceiver houses Ropeless System’s custom-designed electronics used to transmit and receive acoustic signals, calculate of range and bearing of submerged systems and communicate with a chart plotter to display positions and actuate recoveries.
Multi-Access Real-Time Position Technology
Everyone involved in ropeless fishing understands the challenges presented by fishing without surface buoys, namely the need to locate one’s own traps and those of other fishermen. Perhaps less understood are the difficulties associated with “multi-access” visibility, which allows other boats to "see" all the gear on the seafloor. Using acoustics to position multiple pieces of gear owned by a single fisherman is difficult enough. Although positioning through subsea acoustics is possible, the equipment is often expensive and can only be paired with a limited number of seafloor items.
Commercial fishing vessels face an even greater challenge. They must be able to identify and display a large number of their own traps, as well as those belonging to all other fishermen in a given area. To be effective, an acoustic positioning system for a commercial fishing operation would need to use a massive number of uniquely-identified systems. This number exceeds the capability of all other acoustic positioning systems to date.
Additionally, fishermen must be able to actuate and recover their own traps, but not the traps of others. Each fishing vessel must also detect and display non-owned traps to avoid laying their traps over someone else’s or dragging through deployed traps.
Ropeless Systems has created the perfect solution to address the multi-access and positioning challenges faced by both individual fishing vessels and large-scale commercial operations. With our multi-access testing complete, we are pleased to offer fishermen access to this groundbreaking technology.
A screen capture from April 19th’s test shows how the submerged systems display on the chart plotter, automatically and hands-free.
The fisherman’s transponder displays as a green icon while the transponder belonging to another fisherman displays in red. Users cannot interact with the red transponder, which is only displayed to avoid gear conflict.
Good for Everyone
In addition to providing acoustic positioning, recovery, and gear-conflict avoidance for ropeless (on-demand) operations, the Ropeless RISER™ system solves challenges for fishery management. With a single technology, enforcement vessels can easily survey areas and rapidly identify gear on the seafloor. Enforcers can instantly cross-reference these IDs to ensure gear is deployed in permitted areas. This also allows enforcement to recover gear when necessary.
This technology is immediately available to fisheries that wish to resolve the challenge of gear conflict, a primary impediment to the adoption of ropeless fishing. The equipment can also be licensed by other gear manufacturers, which gives fishermen their choice of equipment.
About the Ropeless RISER™ MTA
Ropeless RISER™ MTA is an on-demand airbag recovery system and multi-access solution with real-time positioning and chart plotter integration.
Learn more about the line of Ropeless RISER™ products here.
About Ropeless Systems
Ropeless Systems creates technology and products to allow fishermen to fish in otherwise closed areas, preserving their livelihoods while simultaneously protecting marine mammals.
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